27 juni - 5 juli 2008: RAY, Eindexamenexpositie St. Joost Breda Master Fotografie
Eindexamententoonstelling Master Fotografie St. Joost
The Master of Photography at AKV/St.Joost is a unique course: the only such course in the Netherlands where you can immerse yourself in documentary photography for two years at a Masters level. The term documentary, an essential feature of photography, is explicitly brought up for discussion and examined during the course. The attention focuses on the new forms that the documentary assumes in the relatively autonomous contexts of the photo-book, the exhibition, the film or Internet project. The course is internationally oriented and is attended by both Dutch and foreign students. The context in which students work together is inspiring and produces professional photographers with a personal vision and powerful imagery.
Michael Anhalt
Meike Eggers
Tryntsje Nauta
Frouwkje Smit
Suzanne Valkenburg
Opening: vrijdag 27 juni, 17:00
Openingstijden: 28 - 5 juli, 11:00 - 17:00
Lezing videokunstenaar Jeroen Kooijmans: zondag 29 juni, 14:00
Tevens presenteren de eerstejaars studenten en docenten van de Master Fotografie hun werk.
Master Fotografie St. Joost
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